The advantages of applying       

          creation from the heart.


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Hello dear visitor,


I warmly welcome you to this page of the website, which I have written with great pleasure to guide beginners on Heart Creation in a pleasant and concise way in this timeless matter.

And first of all, I'd like to ask you a question! How are you today? Do you feel completely in top shape..., or do you have a lesser day? Well, in the latter case, may I ask you to give yourself a heartfelt pat on the back? And don't let it get to your heart, dear reader, because, really, sometimes only something very small needs to happen to be your loving self again.

Like, for example, a wonderfully beautiful butterfly that flies by, and endearing you with its playful moments, so that you are completely reconciled for a moment again with life as it is here and now. And do you know why? Well, because so much loving  innocence and spontaneity, combined with the grace and style that nature owns, usually gives us an instant liberating feeling!

And if we go a step further, by focusing entirely on this warm feeling, especially in the here and now, then suddenly it generates a huge amount of positive energy, which makes your mood move forward in leaps and bounds! Wow!! How wonderfully this life is, isn't it?! As far as I'm concerned, that's certainly the case,dear reader! And at the end of this welcome melody, I'd like to reach you in the final chord.the same theme as in the overture, namely a question:

Would you also like to discover that lovely, spontaneous "butterfly" within yourself? Well, you can! Just read on, and then compose a new song on the immense CD of life!

In light and love,
