The beautiful and easy to read book
"Heart Creation"
Hello dear reader,
For this I did write a really nice and very easy to read book about Heart Creation (173 pages.), where you can discover these and many more extraordinarily fascinating things, and in which, while reading, you can travel effortlessly to the best possible version of yourself.
The e-book is available at:
The printed book is available on demand at:
A little introduction to the book:
This straightforwardly written book (Heart Creation) is intended to give you a unique insight into the creative process here on earth. In the first chapter you get a small introduction to this, and it makes you also become acquainted with a number of terms (related to the creation process) which will return regularly later in the book!
Then you end up through two fun methods to balance your emotions and with a number of concrete tips related to surrender and communication with your higher self. Afterwards you also get the opportunity to discover that there is really no hair that can move without the universe wanting it to, and that every experience is a self creation or choice.
The book also gives you an insight into the fact that you always are the unique gift, and indicates the tremendous influence of your inner beliefs on all your experiences here on earth. Last but not least, there are also a number of chapters devoted to the awareness process here on earth, and how you can get started with it in practice!
The book has 173 pages, and can also help to resolve blockages that are still holding you back from being your true self!
**** There is also a Dutch book available for those who like to read it in Dutch:
The e-book is available at:
The printed book is available on demand at:
A free contribution of your own choice to support this project is always very welcome. I thank you wholeheartedly for that in advance. You can do this into the bank account number:
BE25 0019 1480 7682 stating "HEART CREATION".
In love and light