Wholeheartedly welcome to"Heart Creation."


Hello dear visitor,


It is a real pleasure to meet you here.


My name is Frank van den Berg and I have been involved in spirituality in the broad sense of the word for about 25 years at this moment (December 2024) by among other things, writing texts and reports for specific websites, the publication of a number of accompanying books that I wrote over the years and then also translating them into English and what it all started with and what I actually prefer to do most of all, namely composing a series of melodic songs, which in this case often have a spiritual undertone.


And after a number of fruitful years, on a beautiful autumn day in 2012 and after I had spent an extremely instructive and interesting period in the spiritual landscape, the beautiful story of the book Heart Creation  actually began completely unexpectedly, and that at the unforgettable moment that, to my no small surprise, I got the sudden but also penetrating inspiration to write a book about spirituality myself. At first I was mainly surprised and hesitated a bit while I sincerely wondered if I could realize this, but soon I felt (heard) a loving encouragement inside to go all the way and I started writing.


And what happened then, dear visitor, was something that I could not have foreseen even in my wildest dreams, but it was an extremely interesting experience in all respects where it soon became clear that every time my mind wanted to take control, writing somehow did not seem to go smoothly! So I soon decided to connect every writing session to my inner source (the heart) as much as possible in order to just start writing down what I heard. And on closer inspection that turned out to be a very good choice, because in this way, to my no small surprise, the words continued to flow effortlessly from my pen, and to such an extent that the book with the appropriate title "Heart Creation" was written in a few weeks (about an hour every day) and eventually resulted in a real project of which you can find everything on this website


On a personal level, I have also "undergone" a radical transformation during those years and I try to live as much as possible according to what I have received. (As you already know, the book has written itself, as it were). The real work actually started after that with, among other things, drawing up the layout, the editorial work, the publication of the books (another book followed) with a publisher, the development of this website and the translation of the last two (books and website) into English plus finally "last but not least" the casting of the songs in the right form. But now, after a number of years with countless hours of extremely intensive work and adjustment, I may say that I am very happy and satisfied with the end result of what I started from a sudden inspiration.


On the following pages you will find, among other things, an extensive introduction to Heart creation in practice, a very simple practical exercise to unwind, a number of books and music that I have written and some basic knowledge that will put you in the right mood and from which you can start dreaming about what your heart really desires.


I wish you a beautiful and fruitful day,


In light and love
